Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster

This is my first Kaggle work where I have published my prediction and have improved my accuracy for the Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster.

I had followed many notebooks and tutorials for creating this notebook.

The Work

    After a lot of studying and references to a lot of notebooks, I finally was able to understand this notebook. It is using a LogisticRegression model to obtain the prediction.
    The interesting things that I gathered from this notebook are that it had custom functions to get all the missing data and also many graphs to illustrate the missing data in both the training and the test datasets.
    Also, it is using a method to factorize the data for normalization and filling out the NaN's as -999 for Age and Fare. There was a detailed report taken with the use of the pandas_profiling library.
    With this as a base, I started my analysis.

    To improve the score from 0.77511 all I had to do was the following alterations:
  • Fill better mean values for the Age and Fare missing values instead of -999
  • Remove unwanted columns

Fill better mean values

    Filling mean median and mode values to NaN missing values will improve the model efficiency to a better amount in my case from 0.77511 to 0.77990.

    First I had taken the Correlation between the features as I had to group them on the basis of other correlated 
features so that I can get mean and fill in the missing values.

Filling Missing Values


Fig 1: Correlation Matrix between the features
    In my case, if you see Fig 1 it represents the correlation matrix between the different features. With this, I came to the conclusion that the Fare has a better relationship between  Parch and SibSp. This is very useful in filling missing values all we have to do is to group and aggregate the mean fare based on  Parch and we'll be able to improve our prediction.
Fig 2: Missing Values in the training dataset

Fig 3: Missing Values in the test dataset


    For Age, I had the idea to extract the salutation from the name and group them together and aggregate the mean Age, and fillup the values based on that. Even then I found out that 'Ms' salutation was missing the age field in the test data. For this, I again ran through the same grouping aggregate through the Sex attribute.

Remove unwanted columns

Fig 4: Dropped Columns

    I never knew removing data had an impact on the model accuracy. After a lot of searching in the Kaggle forums, tutorials, and peer help (Swati Damele), I found that we have to remove unnecessary columns from the data that I had created for the Salutation. Removing this improved the model significantly from a score of 0.7790 to 0.78947

Future work to be done...

Fig 5: Box plot showing the outliers

    There are more things that can be done to improve the score like Removing outliers that I have found and recorded in the Age, SibSp, Parch, and Fare.

To Avoid

Fig 6: Removing outliers

    Must not use 25th quantile and 75th quantile to remove outliers. It decreased my accuracy from 
0.78947 to 0.76315.


    Wrapping things up, the following were the observations:
  • Fill better mean values.
  • Remove unwanted columns.


Wholehearted thanks for helping me achieve this:
  • Swati Damele
  • https://www.kaggle.com/mishraay/titanic-dataset-prediction-easily-understandable
  • https://www.kaggle.com/mskbr1/titanic-project-kernel
  • https://www.kaggle.com/saisivasriram/titanic-feature-understanding-from-plots


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